Tuesday, May 10, 2016

last of the indicol D BLACK SHADOW ....a sad night...

Had a little bit of Indicol D left and made some rosin...can't wait to head back to Arrow Alternative Care and see what I can pick up next.. I really haven't had too much to blog about no new products to try and no new devices/equipment...Really have to tighten up the budget lately so I have been trying to get the most out of my medicine before I go back to the dispensary.. I will use every last drop...I will vape the flowers then make butter with the ABV and make cookies or another edible to extend my stash..Sometimes I will press the buds and make rosin and then use the chips to make edibles...or make kief into just about anything.....I really like to experiment with cannabis and try new things..if i use glass to smoke anything i will rinse out the glass piece after heavy use and save the alcohol (repeated rinses) until it is really dark in the mason jar and then evaporate it into oil..just random thoughts for the night on how to save a little bit of money...my paycheck can not come soon enough!!! ugh...

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