Friday, April 29, 2016

Insomnia Buster ~ Nicole Kush with Kedina Wax rolled in kief..

 Kedina XW Wax ball rolled in Nicole Kush kief...placed gently on a bed of Nicole Kush .

.This is one potent bowl...... I am feeling a great night sleep coming on. Ever since I started the MMJ program a few months ago I have been sleeping so much better. The racing thoughts have been drastically reduced...i don't wake up at hour intervals anymore, i can actually sleep past 4:30am, i can actually get a pretty normal 7-8 hours unless my dogs get off the wake up feeling refreshed and not the tired mess I used to be...It's still not perfect but I am learning how to use the different strains and methods to properly "medicate" and to not just have my head in the clouds all day...although I do love that feeling...the sleep factor alone is making me feel so much concentration levels while working have improved, it also feels like my thought process has well as my neck and back pain.... well enough of a rant for this evening.. gonna go catch some serious zzzzzzzzzzz's

PEACE and Good Night


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