Friday, April 22, 2016



1 stick unsalted organic butter
1/2 cup organic coconut oil
1/4 to 1/2 oz. decarboxylated* bud/ ABV* bud/ or pressed rosin chips ground into a fine powder
1 mason jar

~boil water in medium saucepan
~put stick of butter and coconut oil into mason jar
~grind up decarbed bud, ABV or rosin chips into a fine powder ( you can add more or less depending on how strong you want it)
~when completely melted add ground bud into jar stir thoroughly
~reduce heat to medium just under boiling around 180F may want to use a thermometer..
~place mason jar into pot of water uncovered
~let simmer for at least 4 hours preferably longer up to 6 (watch water level in pan.. put timer on if you need help remembering like i do) :)
**use on everything**

          you can strain if you like...but i don't... i grind it up really fine..adds fiber...lmao

* you can use a crock pot to make the process even easier for larger amounts but I only do small    batches so this process works best for me..

** says ..Use the following estimated amounts of cannabis for each pound of butter (1 pound = 2 cups)
Ø  Leaf – 1.5 to 2 ounces
Ø  Trim – 1 ounce
Ø  Trim Smoke and Bud – .5 to .75 ounces
Ø  Kief and Hash – 3 to 4 grams

*decarboxylation ~ 
1. Preheat the oven to 240° F. / 115° C.
2. Break up cannabis flowers and buds into smaller pieces with    your hands.
3. Put the pieces in one layer in a glass pyrex dish lined with parchment cover with foil
4. Bake the cannabis for 30 to 40 minutes, gently shake every 10 minutes so that it toasts evenly.
5. Make edibles or tinctures

*ABV ( Already Been Vaped) ~ Saved cannabis from desktop type vaporizer and reused to make edibles and tinctures

*Pressed Rosin/Resin Chips ~ I have been doing some experimental rosin/resin extraction SOLVENT FREE methods using a hair straightener parchment paper squares and a hand vice grips.. ok return.. nothing special yet... still learning techniques from  Nikka T...Cali...Mr. Nice Guy 420,  Jason S., Bubbleman's World on You Tube...check it out... good stuff ...

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